TI's entry may push Chennai as global mobile phone hub
The announcement by Dallas (U.S.)-based semiconductor leader, Texas Instruments (TI), in Delhi last week, that it had decided to open its second Indian research and development centre in Chennai, merely confirms what analysts have been anticipating for some months now: The emergence of the Tamil Nadu capital as the next big international manufacturing hub — with a strong slant on the consumer communications industry.

MosChip ships 2mn controller family PCI chips
Hyderabad-based MosChip Semiconductor Technology Ltd has announced that it has shipped over two million units of the MCS9800 family PCI (peripheral component interconnect) controller chips.

MosChip ships over 2 m MCS9800 units
MosChip Semiconductor Technology Ltd, a Hyderabad-based fabless semiconductor company, has announced it has achieved a significant milestone of shipping over 2 million units of MCS9800 family of chips.

Intel India downsizes managerial jobs
Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, has announced that it would cut 1,000 jobs worldwide at the managerial level.