IT sector gets investment plans worth $25 bn
India’s efforts to emerge as a hi-tech manufacturing hub has just got the much-needed leg up.

Report: Fab delay forces SemIndia to make routers
The delay to SemIndia Inc.'s plans to have India's first major semiconductor manufacturing facility has forced it to start making early next year next-generation wireless routers and home-computer networking equipment, and later get into high-volume production of low-cost set-top boxes.

Electronics buyers weigh pros and cons of India
India has grabbed a great deal of attention lately as a possible electronics center.

SemIndia focuses on broadband gear as Fab City project delayed
Hyderabad-based SemIndia Systems Pvt. Ltd, a unit of a company with plans to make semiconductor chips, intends to start making next generation wireless routers and other home computer networking equipment by the first quarter of 2008 and follow it up with high volume production of low-cost direct-to-home and other television set top boxes two months later.

Solar Semiconductor Introduces World-Class Photovoltaic Solutions Using a Fully Automated Manufacturing Process
Solar Semiconductor, the solar power industry's newly ISO 9001-certified high-quality photovoltaic (PV) module producer, today introduced its family of world-class PV modules.

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